Nicole Hunt
Nicole Hunt
Team Manager, Libraries & Community Hubs
Townsville City Libraries
Nicole Hunt's career in libraries has included working and studying across a range of libraries within the industry including public, special and educational libraries located in Mackay, Noosa, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Hume (Victoria) and her current role in Townsville. She has diverse experience which she draws upon to share across the sector through her roles on various Boards and committees. Her aim is to provide the best possible library experience for library customers, whilst promoting a positive working environment for library teams.
- Bachelor of Arts (Librarianship & Corporate Information Management)
- Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology)
- Queensland Public Libraries Association Executive Board: President 2022-2024, Vice President 2020-2022, Secretary 2019-2020, SE Qld Regional Rep 2016-2017, Conference Convenor 2019
- State Library of Queensland : Standards Working Group 2019-2020
- AMLOSN : Australasian Mobile Libraries Outreach Services Network – Qld Representative 2018-2021
- Libraries Australia Document Delivery Resource Sharing Futures Group 2017-18
- ALIA Community of Resource Discovery – Chair 2018
- First Nations Resource Description Working Party 2023
- PLVN Collections Special Interest Group 2017-18
I would like to be a member of TSAC to participate in the strategic development and management of all library collections on behalf of the public library sector to meet the identified needs of a National database. Trove is an amazing resource which contributes to the sharing economy, making it possible for countless of curious people across Australia and internationally to research all manner of amazing things. I seek to contribute to the Identification of current and future resourcing requirements, utilising cost-efficient innovations in collection provision through inter/national frameworks for ILL and resource sharing with solutions to meet all sector needs.