Trove will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 7 March to 11am Saturday 8 March for planned maintenance.
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Using the API
The Trove Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to build a complex search query and then delivers it in a machine-readable form, enabling you to develop new applications, tools and interfaces. Check out What is the Trove API? for more information about the types of data available and what it can be used for.
There are three steps to get started with the Trove API:
- Agree to the Trove API terms of use
- Get an API key
- Begin constructing your first query with the Trove API
1. Access and Terms of Use
On-going use of the Trove API will require an active API key. You may explore the Trove API without an API key, in accordance with the Trove API Terms of Use. You will be limited to 10 requests per minute unless you provide an API key which allows for 200 calls per minute.
By using any Trove API functionality, you agree to the Trove API Terms of Use.
2. Get an API key
If you are going to use the API for non-commercial purposes (research, personal use, free services):
- If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Trove account.
- Log in to Trove, select your username and select My Profile.
- Select the For developers tab.
- Fill in the form to apply for a Trove API key.
- Read the documentation and start using your key to access the API.
- Go back to the For developers tab in your Trove profile any time to find your API key, quota and other details about your access to the Trove API.
If you are going to use the API for commercial purposes (paid services):
- If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Trove account (we will attach the API key to this account).
- Contact us to tell us your Trove username, and how you intend to use the Trove API.
- If your use of the API is approved, we will get back to you with an API key, attached to your Trove account.
- Log in to Trove, select your username and select My Profile.
- Select the For developers tab.
- Read the documentation and start using your key to access the API.
- Go back to the For developers tab in your Trove profile any time to find your API key, quota and other details about your access to the Trove API.
3. Begin using the Trove API
Once you've signed up for your API key, you're ready to get started with the Trove API.
The Trove API version 3.0 now has a handy interface to assist you in building your first search query. You can start experimenting with the search parameters available in each field.
Be sure to check out the API v3 technical guide for detailed assistance. You'll also get an immediate glimpse into the data that powers Trove’s engine room.
Trove API versions
We have released the Trove API version 3.0, which received investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
The Trove API version 3.0 has been finalised, and version 2.0 has been discontinued in September 2024.
This introduction (PDF:231KB) outlines what we've changed in the Trove API v3 and why.
We would love your feedback on the new changes in the v3.0. Please contact us to let us know.
Share it
We would love to hear how you've used the API to create something, so feel free to share your creation or research with us. Contact us, or share with us on Twitter or Facebook.