Forgot or Reset Password
If you have forgotten your Trove password, you can reset it by following the instructions below.
You will need to know the username you created to sign up to Trove (not your email address).
- Select Login from top-right corner of the Trove homepage.
- Select the Forgot/Reset Password (next to Log In button).
- Complete the form and select the Reset password button.
- This will send an email to the address that you used to sign up to Trove.
- Select the Reset Password link in the email. This will direct you to a Trove form for resetting your password.
- Complete the form for a new Trove password.
- Select the Reset Password button. You will be directed to the Trove Log In page to login with your new password.
Unsolicited password reset email from Trove
On a site such as Trove, it is likely that different people will select similar usernames. Sometimes people will try to log in using the incorrect username, and request a password reset for an account that is not theirs.
If you receive an email about resetting your password, but did not request it, ignore the email and the request will lapse in 3 days.