Map viewer

Some maps found on Trove can be previewed or viewed entirely online. Use the map viewer to navigate digitised maps held at the National Library of Australia.

Select View in the Trove record, then the National Library of Australia access link to open it in the map viewer.

Viewer controls

The viewer controls enable zoom, rotation and navigation. They are located on the left and right sides of the viewer.

  Reset Zoom: Reset the zoom level to the original size

Zoom in    or out   Zoom in and out of the map

Rotate map right    or left   Rotate the map 90 degrees

Contrast up or down   Move the slider right or left to increase or decrease contrast

  Interactive Map Index: Use the interactive map index to select a particular sheet to view from a map series (Note: Only available for some map series)

Move within Map Index             If the map is part of a series with an interactive index, you can use the directional arrows to move to the adjacent map in each direction (Note: Only available for some map series)

   Maximise viewer size: View the map in full screen mode. Select again to return to viewer mode

Panning (moving the map around the screen)

  • Click and hold anywhere on the map to drag it around
  • Double-click on the map to centre on that point and zoom in
  • Use the navigator in the bottom right corner of the viewer by dragging the yellow box around on the map

Use the sidebar to find information on what you are viewing, and options to access it. The sidebar is located on the left hand side of the page.


Get information about the item you are viewing. You can find information such as title, creator and the location of the physical copy at the National Library of Australia.


View the copyright status of the item, including an explanation of this status. Many items in the Trove Digital Library collection are still in copyright. This information is a guide only; the item you are viewing may be subject to additional agreements relating to use and reproduction. If you would like further information on the status of any item, please Contact Us.


View citations in a number of standard styles. You can copy and paste the citation that best suits your needs. Note: Citations are automatically generated and may require some modification.

Learn more about citing sources found on Trove


Download digital copies in available formats. Check copyright status.

Learn more about downloading


Order a copy of the map. You can order standard or higher resolution images. All copy orders are referred to the National Library’s Copies Direct service. If an item is in copyright you may require permission from the copyright holder to obtain a copy.

Learn more about getting copies

  Toggle Layout 

Display or hide the sidebar information pane.

Browse maps

The navigation options for collections of maps are located above the viewing pane just below the breadcrumb trail. 

 Previous and Next  Browse between maps in the same collection

Up a Level   and Down a Level  Navigate between parent and child records in a collection