Collection Features
What is a Trove Collection Feature?
Our Trove Collection Feature allows our Partners to work with us to create a customised online experience highlighting a specific collection in Trove.
It is a way of bringing together items from a Partners collection on a particular theme, an event, or an exhibition.
It enables our Trove Partners to highlight and share treasures from within their collections with the Trove community, and provides a unique way for Trove users to explore our Partners collections.
Once we have worked with one of our Trove Partners to create a Collection Feature, it is published and made available for all Trove users to search and explore via either our Trove Home Page or Landing Pages (Explore, Categories, Community, Research, First Australians).
Only a few Collection Features are actively featured and available on our Trove Home Page or Landing Pages at any one time.
An archive of the Collection Features can be accessed via the NEWS tab at the top right of the Trove homepage.
How do I use a Collection Feature?
Collection Features can be created and configured in different ways, but generally there are three main components, each on it's own separate tab, that Trove users can interact with:
- About - including a banner with a Title, Subtitle, Image, Partner Logo, and an introductory description of the Collection Feature, along with links to related collections in Trove or other websites.
- Explore - including a variety of visualisations such as maps, charts, and word clouds, which users can interact with in order to explore content contained in the Collection Feature.
- Search - including a search bar in which users can enter search terms, to return and view search results from the content contained in the Collection Feature.
Note: Not all Collection Features will have both the explore and search components.
I am a Trove Partner, how can I work with Trove to create a Collection Feature?
More information on how Trove Partners can work with Trove to create a Collection Feature can be found in our Partners help pages.