Using your own ILL system
What is ISO ILL Interoperability?
The ISO InterLibrary Loan Protocol (ISO ILL) is the international standard for interlibrary loans. It allows libraries to conduct ILL with other ISO ILL compliant systems as seamlessly as if both libraries were using the same system.
The protocol is described and defined in 2 standards: ISO 10160—Interlibrary Loan Application Service Definition and ISO 10161—Interlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification.
How does interoperability with LADD work?
LADD can interoperate with other ISO ILL systems such as OCLC’s VDX system, Relais International’s Relais system or Ex Libris’ Alma system. ILL transactions are sent from one ILL system to another via the LADD Gateway.
ISO ILL interoperability dramatically reduces work for ILL staff because internal requesting, such as between campuses, and all other ILL transactions can work on a single system.
All ILL transactions are logged in LADD. Libraries using ISO ILL compliant systems can take advantage of the LADD Payments Service and reports.
How can I find out which sites interoperate with LADD?
ISO sites that currently interoperate with LADD include New Zealand’s Te Puna libraries and the commercial supplier RightFind (Copyright Clearence Centre).
For a full list of ISO sites that interoperate with LADD, see:
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