Common Harvest Errors

If you have received a harvest error message in your email, you may be able to resolve this issue by doing some checks on your data service. The most common error occurrences are related to the data in your service or the connection between Trove and your service.

AMBER ALERT- Data Errors

If you have receieved an amber alert there is an error associated with some aspect of the records in your data output. This occurs for a range of reasons:

Could not start harvest. There is already a harvest running for this contributor

This occurs when a harvest is taking a long time to complete and Trove has made a second request to your service to harvest your data while the first harvest is still running. When you receive this message we advise checking the rate limit of requests to your data service and if possible increasing the allowable amount of requests per minute.

Check for Required Fields- Reason: Failed required field check on field

A required field is a data field that Trove must have in order to process a record correctly. The most common occurrence of this error is when records are missing a unique identifier, this will be a specific number that refers to one record in your collection. You may like to check your data to see if it matches Trove's Data Dictionary.

Record rejected, Processing Step: OaiStep, Reason: Record malformed

Malformed record responses occur when a record is missing an important aspect of the metadata. Typically when a record does not contain a <head> tag with an identifier or, when elements in the record output are missing opening or closing tags. For example:

<tag> this is a tag</tag> it has an opening <tag>and closing </tag>

<tag>this is not a tag /tag> it has an opening <tag> but the closing /tag> is missing an angle bracket.

Incorrect Response Received. Error: Document head is not in OAI format

This error occurs when the a record's <head> tag does hold an OAI prefix. Records coming through an OAI feed should have an identifier in the <head> that starts with OAI:. If you receive this error you may need to check your dataset to make sure the metadata in the <head> correctly contains an OAI: prefix in it's <identifier> element.  

RED ALERT- Harvest Failure

If you have received a red alert there has been a complete failure to harvest your collection. This will typically occur when the Trove Harvester is unable to connect to your service or the connection has dropped out due to inactivity. Here are some typical errors:

FAILURE: Unable to connect- Response Code: 500 : Internal Server error

The harvester was unable to connect to your data service. This will typically occurs when your service is offline, or the base URL has changed. If your receive this message you should check that your service is currently running and that your base URL matches the requested URL in your warning email.

OAI Error: Error Code: badResumptionToken. Response: Value of the resumptionToken argument is invalid.

Trove processes a limited amount of records at a time by typically requesting a set of 100 records from your service. Once these records are processed Trove makes another request and so on until your records are processed. This error occurs when your service fails to provide an answer to Trove's request for the next list of records. We advise checking the rate limit of requests to your service and possibly increasing the allowable amount of requests per minute.

Could not start harvest. Java Error:harvester.processor.exceptions.UnableToConnectException

The harvester was unable to connect to your data service. This will typically occur when your data service is offline, or the base URL has changed. If your receive this message, check that your service is currently running and that your base URL matches the requested URL in your warning email.

OAI Error: Error Code: badVerb: Response: The metadata format identified by the value given for the metadataPrefix argument is not supported by the item or by the repository.

This occurs when the output from your service does not match the type that the Trove harvester is expecting. Please contact Trove to inform us of your updated system settings.

Response Code: 503 : Service Unavailable

Your server is currently unable to handle our request to harvest due to a temporary overload or maintenance. Check that there is no current maintenanace being undertaken on your web servers. If there is a large amount of traffic coming to your site at a particular time day, contact Trove and we can set up a better time to harvest your data.

Rescheduled to

Your initial harvest failed and Trove has tried a second and third time to harvest your data. These attempts have also failed. Trove will attempt to harvest again in one week.