Michael Graf

Portrait of Michael Graf

Michael Graf

Inter Library Loans Officer

Port Philip Library Service

Michael Graf started life in public libraries in 1999 when he began working in customer service at Port Phillip Library Service and has been the Inter-Library Loan Officer there since 2002. During this time, resource sharing has undergone enormous changes, most notably technological innovations, and increased customer utilisation, which has required a high level of engagement, flexibility, problem solving, and commitment to ongoing training to fulfil his role.

He has been a passionate advocate for wider access to material held in libraries across Australia for all library users, irrespective of location, and has worked at making this process as seamless and affordable as possible.

He has held positions with peak professional bodies, including Convenor of the Public Libraries Victoria Resource Sharing Group and the Libraries Australia Document Delivery User Group, and has been a member of the Library Link Victoria Working Group and the Trove Collaborative Services Resource Sharing Working Group. 

If elected to TSAC, I would seek to engage with Trove to facilitate maximum access and success of outcomes for all users, regardless of age or ability. 

Public libraries across Australia are a crucial access point for Trove services and I'm committed to working on their behalf towards a much closer relationship with TCS, and realisation of Trove's objectives. 

My key strengths as a committee member would include:

  • Innovative suggestions and creative solutions
  • Insightful grasp of issues and ability to understand and distil complex problems
  • Active listener who engages with other members of the group
  • Enthusiasm and attention to detail.