2022 Mabo Lecture: Dr Terri Janke
30 year anniversary of the Mabo decision
Watch Dr Terri Janke's special lecture reflecting on the effects of the Mabo decision 30 years on. Her talk focusses on Indigenous knowledge, caring for country and the State of the Environment report.
Image credit: Greg Nelson ACS, Mer (Murray Island), 2017
Edward Koiki Mabo
The Mabo v Queensland (No. 2) decision was handed down in the High Court of Australia on 3 June 1992. ‘Mabo’—as it has come to be known—altered the foundation of land law in Australia. It provided official recognition of the inherent rights of Indigenous Australians to their traditional lands.
Dr Terri Janke
Dr. Terri Janke is a Wuthathi/Meriam woman and an international authority on Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP). She is the founder and Solicitor Director of her law firm Terri Janke and Company. Terri is known for innovating pathways and collaborations between non-Indigenous and Indigenous people, with leading work in empowering Indigenous people in arts and business. Terri has developed well-renowned ICIP protocols known as the ‘True Tracks framework’, a foundational tool for recognising and valuing Indigenous people for their knowledge and culture.
Learn more in Trove
Trove holds extensive collections of material and resources relating to the Mabo decision and Edward Koiki Mabo. Explore the Eddie Koiki Mabo collection feature.
Explore the State of the Environment report in the web archive in Trove