Promote your collection through Trove
The Trove community shares a common goal – to build a rich and diverse digital cultural collection for all Australians.
Over 900 Partner institutions from around Australia contribute their collections to Trove, making it the best place for cultural organisations to share their stories, connect with their audiences and grow together.
Trove is giving Australian organisations with digital collections whether small or large, an opportunity to contribute their collections and become a part of the Trove community.
Trove is visited by users over 50,000 times a day. Thanks to Commonwealth government funding, Trove Collaborative Services is offering a free trial to Australian galleries, archives, museums and historical societies that would like to reach this vast audience and benefit from seeing their collection in a national context. By enabling Trove to capture data and information about the items you hold, you can reach new audiences and contribute to the Australian digital cultural heritage collection.
Trove Collaborative Services (TCS) is pleased to advise that the membership trial has been extended for an additional year.
Organisations that sign up to the trial will be able to experience many benefits, including automated ‘direct to Trove’ data loading and insights into how your collection is being used. If your organisation signs up for the trial before 1 June 2023, we will waive the joining fees. There is no obligation to continue with the Trove service after your trial expires. Sign up now to make the most of your trial membership.
Trial period ends 30 June 2023. Register your interest to have a conversation with us about how you can make your collections available in Trove.