Advanced search

Didn't find what you were after with a basic search? Try an advanced search, which will give you more options to narrow down your results.

1. In the Search box at the top of the Trove page, enter keyword/s for what you want to search. Ensure that the spelling is correct – Trove will search exactly what is entered.

You can enter keyword/s in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander languages and non-English languages. You can also enter the name of an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander language to get results that may contain the language.


  • Enter tjukinya to find items with this keyword in Pitjantjatjara language
  • Enter Pitjantjatjara to find items that may have Pitjantjatjara language content
  • Enter viaggio to find items with this keyword in Italian language

2. Select a category from the Advanced Search drop-down menu underneath the green magnifying glass button.

Location of Advanced Search on Homepage

Trove will generate filter options for your selected category, followed by a list of search results containing your keyword.

3. Certain categories offer certain filters. Select a link below for information on the filter options for each category:

If you want a more specific search, you can customise it by using a complex search query which combines search commands with your keywords.