
Digitised items and aggregated content copyright

This service contains material from libraries, museums, historical societies, galleries, archives and other cultural and research institutions around Australia.

The copyright status of items in, and accessed through, Trove varies. Trove contains or links to a wide variety of different materials: many are in the public domain, while others are under rights restrictions but are nonetheless publicly viewable.

Before downloading, copying, adapting, publishing, distributing or otherwise reusing any of the items found through Trove, you are responsible for determining the copyright status and terms of use applicable for such items, and checking with and/or obtaining the copyright owner’s consent before using or reproducing such content.

Information on how to check the copyright of an item is available on our Copyright and re-use page. For some items, you will be able to follow the link to the digital object on the content provider’s website for more information about the item’s copyright status.

Please be aware that Trove cannot grant special permission to use copyrighted items, only the copyright holder can do this. 

Trove website and platform copyright

Unless stated otherwise:

the National Library of Australia and its licensors own and retain all right, title and interest in and to: 
(a)    the design and architecture of Trove;
(b)    the National Library of Australia’s trademarks*, including the Trove trademark;
(c)    any software provided through Trove; and
(d)    any content appearing on Trove created by or on behalf of the National Library of Australia, including Trove user guidance information,

(collectively, the NLA IP).

You must seek permission from the National Library of Australia if you would like to use Trove in a way that is not outlined in the Terms of Use. Except for any rights explicitly granted in writing by the National Library of Australia under the Terms of Use or otherwise, you are not granted any rights in and to any NLA IP.

*Please refer to clause 7 of the Terms of Use in relation to use of the National Library of Australia’s trademarks.