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  2. Bey v. Bear.

    A yarn of a five-year-old youngster, who scrambled into it hear's cage and proceeded to wake up Bruin by kicking him in the ribs, Is told by Mr. H. S. ...

    Article : 608 words
  3. The Home.

    In Japan It is quite a recognised thing that a woman should make up her face with powder and paints, and without doing so she would no more think ...

    Article : 194 words
  4. Spray.

    A supply of water estimated at about 8000 gallons a day, has just been tapped at Richmond, England in remarkable circumstances For some time past ...

    Article : 151 words
  5. Short Story.

    "I really do not see how Beatrice can possibly go to Leighton Court," was the first waking thought of Valentine Martyn on morning. "Poor child it ...

    Article : 2,489 words
  6. Household Hints.

    A pretty aid useful workbag Is made of washleather, cut the width required, but rather longer than is needed for its actual length, so as to allow a fringe ...

    Article : 236 words
  7. The Sketcher.

    We met at one of those places where people drink indifferent tea and eat indigestible scones. I had seen hell s of women drinking indifferent tea and ...

    Article : 1,176 words
  8. The Fork.

    The year 1895 was the nine-hundredth anniversary of the first appearance of the fork in Western Europe. In 995 a son of the Venetian Doge Pietro ...

    Article : 108 words
  9. Look Your Best.

    Nearly all women, whether young or old, are fond of being well dressed, not necessarily in rich on showy clothes, but in those which are neatly fitted and ...

    Article : 257 words
  10. The Care of Oilcloth.

    Oilcloth is undoubtedly a most useful material, and forms a very convenient floor covering for rooms in which it is not desirable to have carpet, but for ...

    Article : 392 words
  11. Was It Gold?

    George Wilson who owned the famous Paris mine in Park county Mont., U.S.A. was visited by some Englishmen one day, among who was an ...

    Article : 162 words
  12. Germs.

    Recent investigations prove that most germs which are buried In the soil— that is microbes which are contained in a body, actually buried, and encased in ...

    Article : 127 words
  13. Not About the Umbrella.

    The Thane of Scots' Breeks perceived, the moment Alfreda entered the room with a delicate flush upon her cheek, that Athelstane the Bowlegged had ...

    Article : 158 words
  14. Points of Interest.

    Keep the lid of the piano shut, when the Instrument is not being used, In order to prevent dust getting in and damaging the works. ...

    Article : 297 words
  15. The Queen's Wedding.

    Since 1861 the 10th of February has always been one of the days which the Queen has spent In almost complete seclusion. The fact is the more pathetic ...

    Article : 495 words
  16. A Barber's Fate.

    "Shampoo, sir ?" queried the barber as he ran his fingers through tie locks of his victim. "It's not so very dirty, but you know what the smoky air of ...

    Article : 428 words
  17. Yer Blooming Portuguese.

    An Aberdeen labourer, paying his first visit to London, was somewhat astonished at the sight of the policeman's bull's-eye lanterns. Having followed an ...

    Article : 105 words
  18. A Story of a Profane Parrot.

    The play was an excellent one, albelt a free adaptation from the French. It was by a new author, and the critics were most anxious to hear his new work, ...

    Article : 475 words
  19. The Cost of the Royal Palaces.

    The upkeep of the Royal Palaces cost the nation during the past year a sum of £34,600. For next year the House of Commons is to be asked to vote a ...

    Article : 107 words
  20. Caution to Parents.

    "I'd like to hear you play the violin, Mr. Tillinghast," said seven-year-old Tommy Dillingham, who was entertaining the caller. ...

    Article : 48 words
  21. She Meant Rats!

    A woman ran out of a house one morning crying " Fire I" as loud as she could yell. A passer-by at once started at a gallop for the fire-station while a ...

    Article : 127 words
  22. Great Men as Boys.

    Keats, it Is said, was born in a livery stable. John Calvin was an apprentice to the cooper's trade. ...

    Article : 111 words
  23. Then and Now.

    It is usual to compare the battles of the last century with the battles of to-day, and dilate upon the greater deadliness of the modern weapons and the ...

    Article : 279 words
  24. Good Dog Story.

    Here is a' good dog story from the "Spectator." Jimmie Is his name. He always left the house after breakfast with a bone in his mouth. He was ...

    Article : 135 words
  25. An American Explosion.

    The dangers of nitro-glycerine are exemplified in truly American report of accident near Bluffton. Twelve, hundred pounds of the explosive were ...

    Article : 136 words



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