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    Really, Ada, this is very unexpected. What has brought about this decision? To tell the truth, I do not understand why you should ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,576 words
  3. Short Story.

    "I have asked my niece, Kathleen Desmond. to stay here for a month, Brian," remarked Sir Godfrey to his nephew in his usual autocratic way. "I ...

    Article : 3,950 words
  4. Most Famous Women Have Been Fat.

    Fat and grandeur are adherent to one another, so far as woman is concerned History shows that all the ladies who figure in its pages and who have been ...

    Article : 893 words
  5. Tolstoi on Literature.

    Count Toistol recently in an interview:—"I consider contemporary writers in general decadents, Our present-day artists have nothing to say, ...

    Article : 113 words
  6. How He Hit the Bull's Eye.

    A sporting gentleman, who has the reputation of being a very had shot. recently invited some of his friends to dine with him. Before dinner he showed ...

    Article : 164 words



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