The price of coal and its effect upon trade and wages is a subject in this district which is daily accupying move and more of the public attention. Our shipping trade has been reduced to such a low ebb that naturally, thinking people ...
Article : 1,419 wordsThe weather still continues dry; although the days are unusually warm, the nights are cool and bracing; and if we could only get a few showers now and then, the wheat crops which are looking very well at present would yield a prolific ...
Article : 510 wordsI fear we of Shoalhaven are to hare a dry season, notwithstanding the previous rain. While I write (4 p m.) there is a steady westerly wind blowing, and the barometer is at 84deg in the shade. A gentleman, an old resident of Burnier, ...
Article : 375 wordsHis Excellency the Governor, Hon Lady Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, Hon John Lackey, Minister for Works; and Hon Hely Hutchison, arrived here from Bowning, en route for Melbourne, ou the 26th ult, at 4.40 p.m.-40 minutes before ...
Article : 950 wordsTHE WEATHER AND THE CROPS— Since my last the weather has been splendid, and the district has been, and is still, looking its best. The farmers are busy cleaning the young maize and potato crops, which, thus far, are looking well. The ...
Article : 339 wordsPUBLIC MEETING— An influential public meeting to adopt a petition to the Minister for Lands to open a land office in Moree was held at Dobbie's public room on the 3 tot ultimo. The meeting was well, attended, and would have been ...
Article : 953 wordsThere has been very little news to chronicle of late from this district. We have had a glorions spring, and I never remember seeing Dame. Nature appear to such advantage on the Manning before. Cattle feed is abundaut and, as a ...
Article : 535 wordsNews has just come in from Dowling aud Harwoods, Genanigi station, that two children named Smith have been burned to death, and their mother burned so badly that she is not expected to live. I have not heard the particulars yet. ...
Article : 335 wordsINQUESTS— Under this heading comes the most startting news of the past week. A man named James Lucas Brandon died rather suddenly on the 21st instant at Apple Tree Flat, and an inquest was held accordingly, before the District ...
Article : 1,699 wordsThe ceremony attending the opening of the have of All Saints' Church was performed on Wednesday evening last in presence of a large number of persons. The service commenced with prayer, in which the Revs. G. Spencer, of ...
Article : 989 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 11 Nov 1876, Page 10
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