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  2. The Landing of Messrs, Trickett and Punch.

    ON Wednesday night the streets of Sydney were crowded, especially in the vicinity of Punch's Hotel, Pitt and King streets, as the Zealandia, with our champion, Mr. E Trickett, and his generous and ...

    Article : 629 words
  3. Country and Mining News.

    HORSE-STEALING— On Saturday, October 28, a man of the name of Thomas Washburne was brought before the Rylston bench of magistrates, charged with the above offence. It appears that Washburne, who is a stranger in the ...

    Article : 650 words
  4. New South Wales Rifle Association.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,286 words

    The price of coal and its effect upon trade and wages is a subject in this district which is daily accupying move and more of the public attention. Our shipping trade has been reduced to such a low ebb that naturally, thinking people ...

    Article : 1,419 words
  6. The Balmain Regatta.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,578 words



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