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    Sittings commenced at Wagga Wagga, October 14, when the subjoined cases were investigated: Application of Patrick Murray and others for aid to prospect the Emerald Reef at Junee, reef about eighteen inches at ...

    Article : 429 words
  3. Lapsed Conditional Purchases.

    THE conditional and additional conditional purchases of land by the undermentioned Dersons under the Crown-Lauds Alienation Act of 1861, have beoome lapsed through nonreceipt of the necessary declarations and ...

    Article : 1,075 words

    The sitting of the Board commenced at Germaton on the 17th nstant, when the following cases were heard:— Application of Thomas Martin, Yarrara Prospecting Association, for aid to prospect for quartz reef at Four-mile Creek, ...

    Article : 1,060 words
  5. Interesting Excursion Up the Hawkesbury,

    ONE the most enjoyable and interesting pleasure trips that could be improvised during the holiday season is an excursion up the noble, capacious, and Picturesque river, the Hawkesbury. Many historical ...

    Article : 2,768 words



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