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  2. Practical Chemistry.

    IT is not sufficiently widely known that practical chemistry can now be studied with considerable advantages at the laboratory just completed at the Sydney School of Arts. Three suitable rooms have ...

    Article : 548 words
  3. The Dromedary Goldfield.

    THE following are the proclaimed boundaries of the Dromedary goldfield:—County of Dampier, parishes of Wagonga, Urobodalla, and Noorooma, area about 110 square miles. The Crown lands within the ...

    Article : 242 words

    WE are indebted to the Hon. Minister for Mines for the following report on the Boorook mines:— "Warden's Office, "Tenterfield, 11th October, 1878. ...

    Article : 1,281 words
  5. Prospecting Board Investigations MURRUMBURRAH.

    THE Board appointed to hear claims for participation in the prospecting vote for £6000 assembled at Murrumburrah on the 11th instant. Mr. Harrie Wood. Under Secretary for Mines, occupied the chair; and the following applications ...

    Article : 310 words
  6. Headaches,

    WE have had so many letters seeking cures for headaches that we have had compiled the following remarks descriptive of headache and its cure:— Headache can scarcely be called a disease in itself, ...

    Article : 2,318 words

    The Board assembled here on the 12th instant, and Mr. Harrie Wood, Under-secretary for Mines, occupied the chair. The following applications were heard:— Mr, Travers Jones, of Muttama Reef, application for £500 ...

    Article : 590 words

    Sittings commenced at Wagga Wagga, October 14, when the subjoined cases were investigated: Application of Patrick Murray and others for aid to prospect the Emerald Reef at Junee, reef about eighteen inches at ...

    Article : 429 words



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