The Twenty-second A universary was held on Tuesday, the 2d of May, at Freemanson's Hall. None but gentlemen were admitted, and the Hall was crowded to excess at an early hour. Upon the platfrom were the following distinguished ...
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Advertising : 1,640 wordsSIR, Religious controversy is at all times much to be dreaded; it almost invariably engenders illiberal and rancorous felling; and, instead of leading the contending parties to a clearer discernment of the truth, ...
Article : 1,690 wordsSIR, After the many expressions of public opinion, as to the impropriety, to say the least, of continuing the weekly publication, in this Country, of ...
Article : 1,215 wordsBOLTON.—The most extensile and appalling misery is said to prevail in this town. Without food and clothing, and attacked by a disease of a peculiarly malignant nature, a great portion of ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 30 Sep 1826, Page 4
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