AFTER serious deliberation, and considerable hesitancy, we have felt it our public duty—one that we owe to GOD, and to the cause of Protestantism— to open our columns in defence of that religious ...
Article : 8,037 wordsThe Concerts—those cities of refuge to which the mind may fly now and then from the toil, dullness, and weary repetitions of morning, noon, and night, and night, noon, and morning; from the ...
Article : 831 wordsCHARACTER OF THE EMPEROR ALEXANDER.—The personal character of the Sovereign for more than a century has been the mainspring of the Russian Government; and the genius of Alexander, ...
Article : 902 wordsMONDAY, SEPT. 25.—Mr. F. Girard, appeared to answer a complaint of Mr. James Robertson, of George-street, for having sent him a letter, conveying threats and language which Mr. Robertson swore he interpreted into a design of Mr. Girard's to do bim some bodily, ...
Article : 2,476 wordsSIR, I am anxious to avail myself of the medium of your Paper, to express the sin prise and regret which his been felt, by many of the Inhabitants of this town, at the manner in which ...
Article : 882 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 31 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 30 Sep 1826, Page 3
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