DEAR SIR—The clashing accounts of the religious confusion in Germany, which are so eagerly copied from the papers of that country into one or other of the London journals, are so manifestly full of errors, ...
Article : 1,371 wordsMAHOMETAN SCHISM.—A new sect has lately set itself up in Persia, at the head of which is a merchant who had returned from a pilgrimage to Mecca, and proclaimed himself a successor of the ...
Article : 476 wordsFair, fat, and fifteen. Such is Isabel Segundy. Her obesity is surprising for so young a person. One cannot look at her without thinking whether the fat boy" in Pickwick ever had a sister. Her ...
Article : 614 wordsThe reports from home respecting the disease in the potatoe crop becomes more and more serious. The Continent will have enough to do to supply itself. In more than one State distillation from ...
Article : 1,186 wordsThe comments of the London journals on the rumoured intentions of the French to take possession of the island of Chusan give a good deal of annoyance to our neighbours, who are inclined to ...
Article : 1,275 wordsWest Maitland, March 25, from Windermerered steer, near horn down, branded like 8 in square near shoulder, DG apparently near rump, red and white spotted heifer, white face, lower part of tail ...
Article : 703 wordsAt eleven o'clock of Thursday, the 23rd day of May next, the Colonial Treasurer will put up to auction, at the Colonial Treasury, in Sydney, the Licenses to occupy, under the Regulations of 21st ...
Article : 859 wordsILLUSTRIOUS VISITERS.— Prince Ferdinand, of Saxe Coburg, his son, Prince Augustus, and the Princess Clementine, daughter of the King of the French, and Prince Leopold, with a numerous suite, ...
Article : 530 words{No abstract available}
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Morning Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1843 - 1846), Sat 4 Apr 1846, Page 4
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