Parsons, a native of Bengal, and one of the Coolies lately imported into the Colony per the Orwell, appeared in custody at the instance of Mr. Robert Towns, gentleman, who charged him at the ...
Article : 1,640 wordsTHE CENSUS.—The Australian of Thursday says, "the census returns of the Colony, it is supposed, will exhibit a population of at least 250,000 souls. ...
Article : 684 wordsHAY.—80 loads were sold at this market during the week, at 7s. 6d. to 8s. per cwt. STRAW.—15 loads of straw sold immediately at 5s. per cwt. ...
Article : 73 wordsCows.—A mixed herd of eighty cows sold at 50s. to 60s. per head. HOUSES.—Four stock horses were sold during the week; good working horses are worth £10 to £12. ...
Article : 30 words18 loads of fowls, 22 cwt. of butter, and 11 tons of potatoes paid dues during the week at this market, for prices of which see market note. ...
Article : 30 wordsApril 1.—Dorset, brig, 82 tons, Capt. Walsh, from Adelaide the 22nd March. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. New, Miss New, Mr. Chisholm, Mr. T. Larkins, and Mr. A. Booth. ...
Article : 481 wordsMILITARY PROTECTION AND THE VOLUNTEER MILITIA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.— A correspondent to the South Australian writes as follows:— "Among some of the late English papers it appears ...
Article : 1,602 wordsBy the arrival of the Alfred on Wednesday last, from Hong Kong the 28th January, we have received Hong Kong papers to the 20th of that month, from which we make the following extracts:— ...
Article : 1,387 wordsFLOODS.—On Friday the Derwent and its tributaries rose to an extent unprecedented for the last twenty-three years, in fact considerably higher than the great flood which must be remembered by our ...
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Morning Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1843 - 1846), Sat 4 Apr 1846, Page 3
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