1. You have been many years conversant with the system of settling and sheep farming in this colony? Yes, I may say all my life—in the concerns of my father, who is the owner of considerable ...
Article : 1,916 wordsHis excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Edward Fischer Marlay to be clerk of petty sessions, and registrar of the court of requests, at Scone. ...
Article : 302 words1. In what part of the colony are you settled? My purchased land is at Cassilis, under Liverpool Range; and my out stations are on Melville Plains, about twelve miles from the Namoi River. ...
Article : 855 wordsList of unclaimed letters for the month of September, 1842:—Samuel Aberfield, John Adley, Miss Christina Aitken, Henry Ahen, Thomas Alderman, James ...
Article : 1,343 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,952 wordsA ship believed to be from England, is signalized, and will soon be up. A letter has been received by an official gentleman here, from a friend in the Secretary of State's office, dated 2nd May, in which ...
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Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), Thu 6 Oct 1842, Page 4
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