WE have received, through the hands of Mr. Parker, his Excellency's Private Secretary, a letter and minute from Captain Maconochic, in reply to the report of the capture of the brig Governor ...
Article : 264 wordsWilliam Stapleton, late publican of Kelso, in the district of Bathurst, was indicted for having on the 22nd February last, committed sundry acts of fraudulent insolvency within the meaning of the colonial ...
Article : 2,513 wordsOCTOBER 4.—For Moreton Bay, the schooner Edward, Captain Chambers, with sundries. Passengers—Mr. Miller, Mr. Glover, and forty in the steerage. ...
Article : 77 wordsThe ship Earl Durham, Captain Cabel, for Valparaiso, in ballast. Passengers—Don Antonia Alamos, Mr. Vening, Ms Kingdon, Mr. and Mrs. Falkenberg, three children, and servant, Mr. Turner, ...
Article : 114 wordsTHE Williams has brought Calcutta papers to the 11th June. Captain M'Kenzie, one of the officers seized at a Cabool, had been sent to Jellalabad on parole, in ...
Article : 327 wordsThe Rebecca Sims, and Winslow, for the Sperm Fishery; the Earl Durham, for Valparaiso; the Amwell, for Port Nicholson; and the Cundahar, for Bombay, this day. ...
Article : 340 wordsFROM the Mauritius papers received by the Williams, we learn that hydrophobia is very prevalent on that island, and that the government of Bourbon had in consequence issued an order wherby all ...
Article : 98 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,756 wordsYesterday J. R. Brenan, Esq., the acting alderman of Macquarie Ward, with Messrs. E. D. O'Reilly and Lawrence Potts, assessors, sat in open court at the Royal Hotel, George street, for the ...
Article : 865 wordsTHERE are two statements in the Herald of Tuesday which appear calculated to mislead, if not the alderman and assessors of the city, at least such of the citizens as are not familiar with the ...
Article : 619 wordsJohn Mills, of Kelso, in the district of Bathurst, was indicted under the 74th section of the insolvent law, for receiving the property of William Stapleton, an insolvent, with intent to defraud his creditors. ...
Article : 291 wordsSampson v. Blackman.—This was an action upon a promissory note; there was no defence, and the assessors gave a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £82 2s. 6d. ...
Article : 263 wordsOCTOBER 4.—From Port Louis, Isle of France, having left the 12th August, the schooner Alligator, 197 tons, Captain Cook, with sugar and molasses. Passenger—Mrs. Cook. ...
Article : 120 wordsOn Tuesday Charles Windeyer; Esq., P.M, the acting alderman of the above ward, assisted by Messrs. Robert Bourne and Acton Silli[?]e, assessors, sat in open court at the police office, for the purpose ...
Article : 803 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), Thu 6 Oct 1842, Page 3
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