Castlemaine Brewery, Malting, Wine and Spirit Company. Limited, of Sydney, v. John Johnson, licensed victuailer, of Queenbeyan; order nisi returnable for July 29. Mr. L. T. Lloyd, official assignee. ...
Article : 61 wordsA horrible murder is reported to have been perpetrated at the Great Barrier on Saturday morning last. The first information which we received of the tragedy was that a settler named Robert Taylor had been shot through the ...
Article : 213 wordsBy the Union Steamship Company's S.S. Mariposa, which arrived yesterday afternoon, we have files of San Francisco papers to the 5th June. We make the following ...
Article : 1,734 wordsLondon, May 31.—Boucicault's first reception on reaching London was by a court officer serving a summons for a divorce suit at the instance of Agnes Robertson Boucicault, and under the advice of their children, whose birthright is ...
Article : 763 wordsCa. S[?]. Motions.—Keen v. Bungay, James v. Williams, Carey v. Ca[?]y. Poulton v. Hanningham, Wscey v. Mawson, Tutcher v. Gardner. O'Carroll v. Mangham, Johnston v. Myors, Chambers v. Chambers, Galbraith v. Myers, Thompson v. Maguirs, Israel ...
Article : 114 wordsNew York, May 31.—The World's London cable special of May 30 says:—"I have received information showing that the movement in Ulster is attaining threatening dimensions. I have received information from members of ...
Article : 340 wordsSt. Louis, May 18.—The Post-Dispatch prints a statement made by H. M. Brooks, alias-Maxwell, now on trial for the murder of C. Arthur Preller, which will constitute his only defence, and which will be urged by his attorneys ...
Article : 941 wordsIn the Charge branch of the CENTRAL POLICE COURT yesterday, before Mr. T. K. Abbott, S.M., two women named Mary Ann Ryan and Louisa James, who had been brought up as persons of bad character, were sent to gaol ...
Article : 993 wordsParties who have arrived here make the following extraordinary statements with regard to the reported murder on Great Barrier Island. The tragedy, they state, took place on Saturday morning last—the victim being and old man ...
Article : 1,414 wordsWashington, June 1.—A special from Halifax says that the captain of a coaster just arrived re-ports that the L. Howlett has seized an American mackerel fisherman off Greys borough coast. ...
Article : 573 wordsOn the arrival of the Mariposa last voyage seven coalpassers were given in custody for disobedience of orders. The Seamen's Union called out the crew, and the captain therefore shipped a full crew of Chinaman for the present ...
Article : 483 wordsAthons, May 21.—Despatches received from the frontier, whence they were sent at noon to-day, report continued Bring between the Turkish and Grecian outposts. The Turks were attempting to occupy Analipsis. They had ...
Article : 236 wordsNew York, May 28.—Herr Most was taken to the court this morning handcuffed to a thief. His associates, Schenck and Braunschweig, were with him. The court-room was crowded. Schenck was placed on the stand, and declared ...
Article : 388 wordsThe City Coroner (Mr. H. Shiell, J.P.) held an inquest at the Assembly Hotel yesterday on the body of a single man named Joseph Ashton, 28 years of ago, who died in the Sydney Hospital on Monday from the effects of ...
Article : 207 wordsFrom advices just to hand by the mail steamer Mariposa we learn of the peaceful settlement of the difficulties which for a long time have threatened the peace of Somoa. After the last mail left, H.M.S. Diamond returned to the ...
Article : 568 wordsWashington, June 3.—The State Department is indignant at the action of Consul Greenebaum at Apia, in Samoa. It is charged that he has thrust himself into a misunderstanding between the German and the English Consuls ...
Article : 105 wordsNew York, June 3.—Arthur Orton, "Sir Roger Charles Doughty Tichborne," as he is pleased to call himself, and "the claimant," as he is known to the people of Great Britain, arrived in the city on Monday on the steamer ...
Article : 288 wordsThe adjourned sitting was held on Wednesday morning, the 30th ult., Mr. G. R. Johnstone in the chair, who remarked that the sitting of the bench had occurred very late in the month. However, it had been impossible for ...
Article : 240 wordsBelfast, June 4,—The Orange workmen employed at the Queen's Island Shipyard to-day attacked the navvies employed by the Harbour Commissioners, and after overpowering them and beating them badly, drove them into ...
Article : 161 wordsLondon, May 29.—The Salvation Army Congress opened to-day. It will remain in session a week. Two thousand officers and many thousand soldiers of the army from all parts of the world are present. General Booth, ...
Article : 124 wordsA correspondent of St. James's Gazette vouches for the truth of the following scene in a jury-box in England:— Scene.—Derby Assizes.—Samuel Lowe and James Halligan charged with stealing a him. ...
Article : 202 wordsSir,—The occupants of Crown lands seem very difficult to please. They not only want to retain their holdings, but it appears that they also want to fix the rental. Wouldn't it be a good plan to sell by public auction the leases of all ...
Article : 206 wordsWashington, June 2.—At 7.05 o'clock this evening, esident Cleveland and Miss Frank Folson joined hands the parlour of the White House, and eight minutes later Rev. Dr. Sunderland pronounced them man and wife. ...
Article : 358 wordsNew York, May 28.—The Herald's special cablegram of May 27 says:—"De Froycinot said this evening: If the feeling: in the Chamber in favour of expelling the princes continues as strong and violent as to-day, then the Ministry ...
Article : 123 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 1 Jul 1886, Page 4
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