Among the letters of registration granted by his Excellency the Governor during the last month were the following for purely colonial inventions:— On the 1st June, to Alfred Melchior and Thomas Oldham ...
Article : 1,151 wordsThe Republique Francaise publishes a long [?]ticle under the heading " England and her Colonies." The line of argument taken by the writer throughout [?] one to which Australians cannot be indifferent. I will ...
Article : 2,306 wordsSince I despatched my last letter the Australians have played their first match and suffered their first defeat. My readers will probably remember that in 1878 Gregory's team were beaton in their opening match by ...
Article : 2,640 wordsSir,—I think the country can obtain a larger rental for the public lands than the estimate of £718,000, which appearon the "Ways and Means," and by a system less oppressive to the occupants than that proposed by the Land ...
Article : 896 wordsThe monthly meeting of the Linnean Society of New South Wales was held in the hall. Elizabeth Bay, last evening, the president (Professor W. J. Stephens) presiding. Nineteen members were present, and three ...
Article : 550 wordsSir,—In your issue of yesterday you give an extract from a letter of Dr. Taylor, the scientist, to the effect that our exhibits at the Colonial Exhibition are well arranged to catch the public eye. That may be so; but what about ...
Article : 600 wordsMy readers will long ago have been made aware that the first match between Nottinghamshire and the Australian team, fixed to be played on May 17, 18, and 19, at the Trent Bridge ground, was utterly spoiled by bad weather. ...
Article : 1,223 wordsThe Melbourne Age reports that Joseph Dungan, a blacksmith, living in Wright's-lane, was presented at the Melbourne City Court on Monday, on a charge of assaulting and threatening the life of his wife. Complainant, ...
Article : 247 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 1 Jul 1886, Page 5
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