On Thursday morning, June 28, the steamer Coorong arrived from MacDonnell Bay having on board the survivors of the illfated brig Edith Haviland, wrecked on June 20, near the Carpenter Rocks. Captain John Roddie, ...
Article : 1,207 wordsAbout 20 years ago there lived in Central Michigan a curious old Benedick named Dodsworth. At the age of 50 he married a girl of 20, and when the burden of 60 years bore him down his wife was only half his ...
Article : 1,000 wordsIn Springtime, if ever, eggs may be freely eaten, for now they are abundant, cheap, and of good quality. Fortunate for the farmer's family is the change which often takes place in early Spring from the [?] ...
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The Illustrated Adelaide News (SA : 1875 - 1880), Sun 1 Jul 1877, Page 7
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