Among the industries that have become established in Victoria of late years, and are of growing importance to the welfare of the colony, hop- growing is not one of the least. It used to be matter of bold assertion that the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 676 wordsIn 1836 the first ships from England entered the creek from Gulf St. Vincent, and the immigrants were landed on the east bank, on the site of what is now known as Port Adelaide. It is about seven miles from Adelaide, the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 296 wordsWith this issue we give a view of the above fine hotel recently erected in the principal street of our city. The view of the surrounding country from its well-constructed balcony on a fine clear day is a site worth walking a few miles to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 325 wordsThe Seychelle Islands, which are situated in 4.37 south latitude, and 55.30 east longitude, are well worth visiting by all who can appreciate the beauties of natural scenery. The view from the summits of the mountains in the group ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 549 wordsSteadily booms the signal gun Along the winding shore, And answering pennons stream anon From housetop, mast, and tower. ...
Article : 225 wordsThe subject of this sketch is situated at Brandy Creek, in North Gippsland, and is one of the most recently formed townships in Victoria, it having sprung into existence within the past twelve months, its origin being due to the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 454 wordsIn this month's issue we publish the portrait of the Rev. John Richardson Selwyn, M.A., late Rector of St. Paul's. Church, Wolverhampton, who was appointed by the general synod of the Church of the Province of New Zealand to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Illustrated Adelaide News (SA : 1875 - 1880), Sun 1 Jul 1877, Page 6
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