MIA MIA FLAT. -- The rush to Amherst having absorbed so much attention, it is not surprising that the new ground at the Mia Mia Flat should be almost forgotten. Yet is there good work doing there. At the present time twelve claims have ...
Article : 518 wordsTHE rush to the Four Posts is not looking quite so well as far as regards the future as it did last month, as the further profits of the lead is very doubtful, a great many blanks having been lately bottomed all about the supposed to be ...
Article : 415 wordsA VERY large rush took place yesterday near the government reservoir, in course of erection at the upper end of Amherst flat. It appears that in the early part of the morning two miners, named Anthony Herd and Andrew Tierney, applied to ...
Article : 598 wordsNOT a single ounce of gold, per last escort, was there from Tarnagulla! Was there any subterranean agency at work in old Sandy Creek, that made Poverty Reef vanish? Does the large population of this district live upon air? Are the miners ...
Article : 773 wordsMARINER'S REEF. -- The various claims on Mariner's Reef appear to be working pretty vigorously, and if there were no differences between the claim holders and the Maryborough Mining Company, there would seem to he now some fair prospect ...
Article : 562 wordsSOME new ground has been opened this week, in the immediate vicinity of Redbank. There has been a rush to the foot of the Gap, and the prospect reported is first-rate -- 2 dwts, to the bucket. The sinking is very shallow, and a large ...
Article : 978 wordsTHE prospectors on the Garibaldi Lead washed 20 ozs. last week; this week their return is a little less. Their ground ranges from one to four ounces to the set of timber, and sometimes eyen higher. This will pay very well when they once ...
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