NOT a single ounce of gold, per last escort, was there from Tarnagulla! Was there any subterranean agency at work in old Sandy Creek, that made Poverty Reef vanish? Does the large population of this district live upon air? Are the miners ...
Article : 773 wordsAN Association called the " United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Company" has just been established in London, which has for its object the grand project of applying the penny postage system to telegraphic messages, and of extending that system ...
Article : 1,004 wordsINGLEWOOD KEEP STAMPING MILL. -- Yesterday the splendid new machinery erected by Messrs. Carter, Thompson and Co., the prospectors on the Inglewood Reef, was set in motion for the first time, and christened. The ceremony was ...
Article : 228 wordsTHE GULF DIGGINGS. -- We have information direct from the Gulf Diggings to Monday last, and the news we are bound to say is highly favourable. Mr. J. P. Sweeney's claim is yielding 12 ozs. per day on the average, and he brought in a large ...
Article : 404 wordsTHE news from the gold-fields, reports the Nelson Examiner, during the past month has been more satisfactory than any we have received for a long time. All the parties employed in digging are doing well, and the striking of a rich ...
Article : 785 wordsTHE reefing propensity still gains ground in Tambaroora; we have just been informed from, we believe good authority, that John Rinshall and party have "struck it," at the depth of about 25 feet, on another new reef, and which, according to ...
Article : 185 wordsOPERATIONS ON THE TURON RIVER. -- There is a motley but thinly scattered array of diggers along the river, from Gun Point down as far as Bar's "public" -- that is to say about 9 miles in length; and as far as I could learn, the parties seem to ...
Article : 725 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 36 wordsAPRIL 13. -- We have enjoyed this week a good fall of rain; our river is again well filled, and the sluices have all begun to work. Our population is also increased; many old faces on the ...
Article : 170 wordsGeorge Humphrey and Edmund Shepheard, miners, both of Smythesdale, for an Invention for the Extraction of Gold from Auriferous Earths and Pulverized Quartz, by a system of amalgamation by mercury at a moderate temperature, ...
Article : 126 wordsRAIN fell heavily at the diggings on Monday and Tuesday, and continued with intermissions during Wednesday. There is now abundance of water, and washing is being proceeded with at all the gullies. The Chinese have plenty of water at ...
Article : 139 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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