Sir John Franklin did not, in all probability, leave his ships until the breaking up of the ice, or until the spring was commencing; and, if the narrative is to be trusted in its details, all point to the month of May as ...
Article : 425 wordsThere is no doubt whatever that the relation which gold and silver have to each other in price at the present time is very different from the proportions in which those metals have been produced during the last five ...
Article : 419 wordsASSAULT—Charles Stockbridge, cab-driver, complained that Henry Selway, a dealer, assaulted him oil the 8th instant. The complainant said that on the day in question, he ...
Article : 532 wordsA few days ago we had occasion to notice the almost impassable state of the road across the Peninsula to the beach, owing to the depth of sand collected there. The want of an easy road communication is severely ...
Article : 575 wordsLET in draw around the fire; Embers ruddy glowing, What a comfort they inspire, Whilst the bitter tempest roars, ...
Article : 206 wordsWe have received from St. Petersburg, M. J Isaakoff's list of the journals with which he undertakes to supply his customers during the year 1855. The list of English journals is not very long, but it has an ...
Article : 204 wordsA late number of the London Economist places us in possession of the following account of the Customs revenue in the United States for the month of September, as compared with the corresponding period of last ...
Article : 359 wordsThe following interesting and graphic extract is taken from an article which appears in the last Quarterly, under the title of "The Commissariat of London." It is supposed to be from the pen of the author of ...
Article : 651 wordsDESBETION.—Robert Mazelly was charged with deserting from the Coromandel. He pleaded guilty, and was sent to gaol for two months, with hard labour. ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE.—Robert Davidson, from ...
Article : 58 wordsThough, till now ungraced in story, scant although thy waters be, Alma, roll those waters proudly, roll them proudly to the sea. ...
Article : 267 wordsWILSON V. NELSON.—This was an action brought to recover the sum of two pounds, balance of the purchasemoney for a gold lever watch, sold by the plaintiff to the defendant for £7, of which only £5 had been received by ...
Article : 504 wordsIt betokens as great a soul to be capable of curing a fault, as to be incapable of committing it. Man, though born with faculties to search through the depth of time, and powers to flourish through ...
Article : 519 wordsAn inquest was held yesterday, at the Vine Inn, Glen Osmond, before George Stevenson, Esq., the coroner, and a respectable jury, for the purpose of enquiring into the death of Mrs Margaret Trower, the ...
Article : 215 wordsSIR HILARY charged at Agincourt, Sooth! 'twas an awful day! And though, in that old age of sport, The rufilers of the camp and court ...
Article : 1,788 wordsFrom accounts received in Paris on the 8th November, it appears that the loss sustained in the cavalry action before Balaklava was less severe than was at first reported. Instead of 500 men, it is said that only 124 were killed ...
Article : 438 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 398 wordsIt has been, remarked that not one Russian officer wore the marks of Iris rank during the battle; all had put on the soldier's great coat. This measure was ordered by the Emperor himself, who had seen how ...
Article : 1,062 wordsPresent, all the members except Mr McCord. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Clerk was directed to send the necessary notice to ...
Article : 397 wordsTHE UNIVERSITY OF THE ARMY.—We congratulate our Queen and our country on the progress that education has made in the British army. It is a gratifying fact that the officers and men constituting the ...
Article : 585 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Thu 18 Jan 1855, Page 3
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