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Detailed lists, results, guides : 114 wordsNil. CLEARED OUT. Wednesday, January 17—The schooner Bandicoot, 55 tons, Hay, for Part Lincoln. Cargo—147 bags flour, ...
Article : 1,078 wordsIt is evident that England takes a good deal of time to learn the true nature of war. lo use a modern word, we are slow to realise it. Every stage of the affair has to be practised, like a girl's ...
Article : 1,411 wordsThe draft of the NEW DIOCESAN CONSTITUTIONS and of the Deed of Trust, which have been framed during the absence of the BISDHOP of ADELAIDE, under the direction of the most ...
Article : 3,359 wordsIt was a maxim of Vauban's "that precipitation in the conduct of sieges never hastened the fall of the place, often retarded it, and always occasioned unnecessary bloodshed." In one remarkable point this canon ...
Article : 1,383 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 193 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 129 wordsMails will be despatched as under:—For Great Britain, by the Madras (contract steamer), to Ceylon, and Overland, due on Wednesday (the 1st Feb.); and by the Fop Smit, to London, on Friday at ...
Article : 183 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 52 wordsACCORDING to a correspondent, signing himself C. M. P., one of these is the only alternative from HOBSON'S choice; that is, so far as the scheme of Messrs PYBUS & TURNER is concerned. Now, ...
Article : 579 wordsUp to the 18th July last nearly 1200 criminals were dismissed from prison with tickets-of-leave before completing their term of punishment. Here is a large regiment of malefactors turned loose again on society. ...
Article : 437 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 183 wordsThere was a good attendance of the trade at the yards today. Great dissatisfaction was expressed at the great scarcity of beef. SHEEP.—There were 1300 sheep in the market, all of ...
Article : 91 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Thu 18 Jan 1855, Page 2
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