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  2. Why You Should Join a Union.

    (WE repaint from the NAVVIES' GUIDE (England), in a slightly altered form-- to suit the conditions of the Labour, party in Australia-- the following reasons why every worker should join a Union. ...

    Article : 633 words

    "THE earth is mankind's, and the fullness there of,Saith God's most Holy Word: The water hath fish, and the hind hath flesh, And the air hath many a bird ...

    Article : 335 words
  4. Ironworkers Assistants' Union.

    The social given by the members of this Union at the Railway Institute, Redfern, on Friday I2th inst was a great success, and the committee of management deserve ...

    Article : 124 words
  5. Ignoring the Speeches ef the labour Candidates.

    THE workingmen, not only of Sydney, but of New South Wales generally, must have noticed the disgraceful manner in which the S. M. HERALD persistently ignored the ...

    Article : 696 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,421 words

    Labour is King ! the world's great wealth By work has boon upraised. To Labour owe we life and health; Let Labour then be praised. ...

    Article : 215 words
  8. The "Pastoralists' and Farmers' Gazette."

    THE literary who writes "Mixed Mercies "in the above organ, takes us to task for certain observations we published in our issue of the 30th ult., concerning e ...

    Article : 532 words
  9. Assisting the Western Squatters.

    WE have it on very, reliable authority that the Parkes, Bruce-Smith, and McMillan Government last week forwarded a large number of "blacklegs," by special train, ...

    Article : 158 words
  10. Historical Liars Out-done.

    Ananias and Sapphira must look to their laurels. A certain weekly paper, claiming to advocate the cause of Labour, hut which is thoroughly distrusted by the workers, is ...

    Article : 37 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 105 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 202 words



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