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  2. "Truth" and the Labour Party.

    LAST Tuesday, TRUTH published what they were pleased to call a "SPECIAL ELECTION EDITION," but which was really a "J. D. Young-versus-the - Labour- Candidates ...

    Article : 999 words
  3. The Railway Men and the Commissioners.

    ON Monday last the Civil servants were granted a half holiday in order that they might attend the nominations. This official recognition of the rights of voters was acted ...

    Article : 289 words
  4. The Queensland strike.

    IF the Queensland bush strike contains a moral at all, it is that workmen should secure a voice in the government of their country as speedily possible, for nothing but the outrageous ...

    Article : 1,550 words
  5. The Changing of the Date of the Metropolitan Elections.

    ANOTHER' discreditable characteristic of the late metropolitan and suburban elections was the fact of their being fixed by the wily old political dodger, Parkes, for ...

    Article : 314 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 423 words
  7. The "Australian Star" and the Recent Attempt to Bribe Labour Candidates.

    IN its issue of Monday last, the above journal published a loading article rc the above, which for cool effrontery ought to be awarded the laurel wreath. Also for downright ...

    Article : 1,040 words
  8. Mysterious Proceedings of Pastoralists.

    A CORRESPONDENT sends us the following From Port Augusta, S. A.:-- FELLOW-UNIONISTS,-- I have to report that a meeting of a most mysterious ...

    Article : 618 words

    WEDNESDAY, the seventeenth day of June, 1891, will long he remembered in the annals of Australian history" as the memorable, day upon which the workers of New ...

    Article : 1,285 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 32 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 73 words



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