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  2. Queensland Border, Paroo River.

    SIR,—Would you kindly inform the public through the columns of your valuable paper of the necessity for sheep-inspector of this district to attend to the duties required from him re ...

    Article : 446 words
  3. Warroo Stream Tin.

    THE following letter from Mr. Norton, M.L.A., dated 16th instant, appeared in the Courier of Monday last:—"I have to-day received from Gladstone about half pound of stream tin ...

    Article : 146 words
  4. Intercolonial Mining News In Brief.

    THERE is nothing to warrant the rash that took place to Bermagui, and the miners are leaving as fast as the steamers can take them away. The situation of the few claims that have ...

    Article : 1,699 words

    GOLDBOROUGE.—Brigg and party's new reef has been sunk 12ft., and the width is 15in., showing very coarse gold. If the reef carries down well a good crushing is looked for before ...

    Article : 1,112 words
  6. The Hodgkinson.

    A FITTING prelude to the theme of the mining industry on the Hodgkinson at the present time must be in a minor key ; for, while it is out of the question giving- a favorable report of the ...

    Article : 1,290 words
  7. Cloncurry.

    IN the township everything is very dull and will probably remain so until the wet season sets in, when things may look up a bit, as I hear of several parties who are only waiting for rain to ...

    Article : 289 words
  8. Stanthorpe.

    THE latest rains have given some impetus to tin-mining operations upon the outlying blocks, and the output of ore this month should exceed that of last by several tons. Progress ...

    Article : 366 words



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