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  2. A Deep Water Harbor for Brisbane.

    IN reading over the reports of the late debates in the Assembly on the question of the mail contract, the subject of a deep-water harbor cropped up pretty frequently, but, for obvious ...

    Article : 1,108 words
  3. Notices to Correspondents.

    To ADVERTISERS. —Orders for alteration or with drawal of advertisements cannot be attended to after Ten a.m. on Thursdays. No advertisements can be received after Nine p.m. on Thursdays. In all cases ...

    Article : 848 words
  4. Our Rivers and Their Names.

    WE have on more than one occasion called attention to the inappropriateness of the names of some of our Western rivers, and to the fact that in some instances streams in different parts ...

    Article : 1,101 words
  5. White v. Black.

    WE have in hand some very lengthy letters on this subject, which could not be published in full without occupying too much space, we subjoin therefore a short summary of their con ...

    Article : 530 words
  6. Letters to the Editor.

    SIR,—When I wrote you on the above subject, under date 23rd July (letter published in your issue of 7th August), with reference to atrocities committed by the black police on the ...

    Article : 1,107 words



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