A lanky, dishevelled shepherd having been to a Fair, had managed to get quit of his charge, the flock having been sold, so he determined to indilge in the luxury of a shave ...
Article : 250 wordsThe Mayor of a city noted for its healthful situation not long ago received the following letter from one who wanted information:—"Plese to let me. know the weekly and ...
Article : 113 wordsI've seen many players; I've seen many plays, And I know what good acting means; I've watched all the stars of the old Stock days, And the time that intervenes. ...
Article : 244 wordsThe First One In.—Mr. Newman—"I'll be home early to-night." Mrs. Newman—"You'd better take the latch-key, then." The silver wedding has its cares; the golden ...
Article : 775 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,111 wordsAt first sight it would seem that it must be an unreasonable man who would find fault with a house because it had one more room than was mentioned in the advertisement; but ...
Article : 155 wordsThe most prolific school is the school of difficulty. Some of the best workmen have had the most indifferent tools to work with. Indeed, it is proverbial that "the bad ...
Article : 719 wordsPeople who believe in prophetic destinies as outlined in verse will he interested in the following ancient horoscope for the months:—By her who in January is born ...
Article : 328 wordsA well-dressed and sharp-faced woman passed into a lawyer's office, and very soon was standing by his table. "I beg your pardon," she said in salutation, ...
Article : 266 wordsThe late Dr. B. was very sceptical as to the truth of the many stories told of the great wit to be found among the uneducated Irish. Having to spend some weeks in Dublin, he ...
Article : 212 wordsHail! darling of tile early year, Sweet herald of tin?, spring, With cheering showers thy finds appear, When birds most gladly sing. ...
Article : 143 wordsKnew Dick McCovkle! Well, I should say so! I knowed him when he was a flopmouthed boy. He was a terror, I tell you. We was at school together, me an' him. We ...
Article : 447 wordsDreamer, poor dreamer, those words are for thy warning: A wake, awake from idle lethargy. 'Tis neither life nor living, the existence, thou art ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 23 May 1896, Page 35
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