Hawthorn called at Karong - bukalla, and was persuaded to spend the afternoon and dine with them. He asked Niarri to play to him. She not unwillingly assented, though she felt a ...
Article : 909 wordsAfter pondering the difficult question of teaching Niarri to fit herself for the world she lived in, Mrs. Kingsland concluded that it would be advisable to take her more into the ...
Article : 1,323 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,111 wordsThe prescribed three months passed. Neither Lorimer nor Niarri appeared to have discovered the want of harmony in tastes and temperament which struck Mrs. Kingsland ...
Article : 1,133 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 77 wordsThey were married. With more than a mother's usual anxiety Mrs. Kingsland had seen the. knot tied, had endured the wedding breakfast, during which ceremonies ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 23 May 1896, Page 36
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