On Wednesday morning, at hair-past 9 o'clock, one of the railway labourers in the employ of Mr. Gouge, the contractor, met with a serious accident while seated upon a truck loaded with sleep [?], in company with ...
Article : 840 wordsPresent—His Worship the Mayor (in the chair): Aldermen Lazsr, Glandfield, and Colton; Councillors Williams, Pannell, Cottrell, Fox, Cox, Birrell, Hugall, Baldwin, Thomas, Osborne and Hubble. ...
Article : 3,329 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 154 wordsJudgment. Mr. Justice Boothby gave his final judgment herein as follows:—"A rule nisi has been granted in this case, in pursuance of leave reserved at the trial, to set aside the ...
Article : 2,990 wordsHis Honor pave judgment in this case as follows:—"In this case no charge has been made against the insolvent, either by the Official Assignee or any creditor, and the sole question for the decision of the Court is the ...
Article : 396 wordsA meeting of the shareholders of this Mining Company was held at the Gresham Hotel, King Williamstreet, on Wednesday last. Mr, Mildred, M.P one of the Directors, toot the chair upon the occasion, and ...
Article : 1,657 wordsJudgment. Mr. Justice Gwynne stated the grounds upon which the rule had been moved for, and that it was grauted upon one—that of misdirection. The principal ouestion ...
Article : 4,268 wordsMASTERS AND SERVANTS Act.—Frederick T. Frost, sheepfarmer, appeared to an information of William Spiers, charged with neglecting and refusing to pay to complainant £26 12s balance of wages due to ...
Article : 729 wordsPresent—The Master and Wardens. The Master informed the Board that he had conferred with the Eon. Survyor-General respecting the proposed survey of the coast between Capes Jaffa and ...
Article : 1,096 wordsThe Commissioner gave judgment in this case as follows:—"The charges made by the Official Assigace are, first, that the insolvent did contract certain of [?] debts by means of fraud and false pretences, to wit, the debt ...
Article : 1,855 wordsCROWN LANDS.—Timothy Norman and Thomas Loughlin appeared to answer the charge of cutting timber on Crown lands without a licence or other valid authority. The charge was preferred against them by R. ...
Article : 605 wordsAdjourned meeting for the choice of an assignee and other matters. Mr. Stow for the insolvent; Mr. Andrews for Mr. Rutland. Mr. Rutland, examined by Mr. Stow—I claim a debt ...
Article : 1,774 wordsMr. Hicks appeared on behalf of the Hon. George Hall, to make an application under the ROad Act, No. 17 of lest, for an order to close a road running through his property. Sections Nos. 1146 and 1147 in the District ...
Article : 295 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 12 Nov 1859, Page 3
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