The first annual meeting of the S rathalbyn Institute was held on Thursday last in Mr. Colman'a large store. The tea, which was gratuitously provided by several. ladies of the township, was of the most superior ...
Article : 790 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 6,022 wordsThis song, having by accident been published in our columns in a rough and an incorrect form, we feel bound, in justice to the author, to reproduce it as corrected by him:— ...
Article : 508 wordsTHE DARDEANELLES.—A letter from Constatitinople in the Moniteur de la Fiotte, etates that the defences or the Dardanelles have been considerably strengthened of late. This strait is 42 miles in length, ...
Article : 2,408 wordsDEAR LAUREATE: I take up my rifle, Not my rifle I mean, bat my pen, To indite you a critical trifle ...
Article : 1,517 wordsThe farmers about here are now busily engaged in making hay; a few have also commenced reaping barley. The wheat harvest wilt be considerably postponed by the cold and rainy weather of lost week. From Tuesday ...
Article : 113 wordsAlthough some time has elapsed since our thriving township has figured in your columns, we are nevertheless steadily progressing. New sheps in the township are being built, and residences and comfortable ...
Article : 505 wordsI am happy to inform yon that since I wrote my last letter we have had some copioes and refreshing showers which have been of very considerable service in this neighbourhood. It is apparent from the numerous sales ...
Article : 148 wordsAn event of a somewhat unusual character and, as I think, worthy of notice, took place in this district previous to the departure of Mr. Philcox, from the colony, t allude to the dinner given by that gentleman to his ...
Article : 325 wordsThe damage done to the vineyards by the late frost, as reported by your upland correspondents, has been, I find, experienced in the warmer and more sheltered gardens of the plains. Mr. Schomburgk, of Gawler River, is a ...
Article : 2,945 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 12 Nov 1859, Page 2
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