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  2. Shipping Intelligence.

    June 12—Agnes and Elizabeth, (at Geelong,) 74 tons, Williams, master, from Hobart Town.— Passengers—Mr. Simpkin, and two children, Mr. Stanley; steerage—William Carlyll, and ...

    Article : 1,005 words

    MR. COUNCILLOR M'COMBIE'S motion for the adoption of an address to the Queen, praying the removal of his Honor Charles Joseph La Trobe, Esq., from the ...

    Article : 401 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,283 words
  5. Domestic Intelligence.

    IMPOUNDING.—On Saturday, a person named George Mills, appeared before the Melbourne Bench, and made oath that a horse of his, value £16, had been impounded at the Sunday ...

    Article : 3,643 words
  6. Commercial Intelligence.

    GRAIN.—The Price of wheat has advanced this week; for inferior samples 4s 6d per bushel is readily given, for superior 4s 9d, and even as much as 5s had been paid. This considerable rise ...

    Article : 308 words



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