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  2. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 18th May, 1848. PORT PHILLIP SAVINGS' BANK.

    IN pursuance of the provisions of the Act of the Governor and Legislative Council, 5 Victoria, No. 5, intituled "An Act to amend and to extend to Port ...

    Article : 169 words

    TENDERS will be received until noon of Saturday, the 17th instant, for the erection of a three rail split fence, at the Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. ...

    Article : 94 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 439 words

    IT is ordered that a Criminal Sessions and General Gaol Delivery of the Supreme Court of New South Wales for the District of Port Phillip, be holden at ...

    Article : 206 words
  6. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 1st June, 1848. CROWN LANDS BEYOND THE SETTLED DISTRICTS.

    HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, directs it to be notified for general information, that the state of the Survey not ...

    Article : 393 words
  7. In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, for the District of Port Phillip. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION.

    PURSUANT to a Rule of this honorable court, the creditors in the above-named estate are hereby called upon to come in and prove their claims ...

    Article : 153 words
  8. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 13th May, 1848. GRANT BY PURCHASE.

    THE description of the following portion of Land, which has been authorised to make up the deficiency in certain Land purchased from the Crown ...

    Article : 2,214 words

    TENDERS being required for conveyance of Post Office Mails, from and to the undermentioned places, as from 1st July to 31st December next; ...

    Article : 787 words
  10. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 13th April, 1848. ROADS.

    HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, having deemed it expedient to open and maire certain Parish Roads, in the ...

    Article : 247 words

    TENDERS will be received! until noon of Saturday, the 1st day of July next, for the erection and completion of the above quarters, at the Lunatic ...

    Article : 115 words
  12. Superintendent's Office, Melbourne, 6th June, 1848. TENDERS REQUIRED.

    TENDERS will be received until noon of Saturday, the 24th instant, from parties willing to contract for executing certain repairs and other improvements ...

    Article : 89 words
  13. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 27th May, 1848. TITLE DEED. —PORT PHILLIP LAND.

    THE undermentioned Deed has been transmitted from this Office to the Surveyor General, to be afterwards despatched to the Deputy Registrar, ...

    Article : 119 words

    INFORMATION is requested at the Superintendent's Office respecting the present abode and of position "Richard Godfrey," who was some time since ...

    Article : 50 words



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