GENTLEMEN—In making a few strictures on Mr. Russell's address, I am not actuated by any private or personal feeling against himself, but simply that in our present position we may put ...
Article : 731 wordsMr. A. DODDS, at Mr. Thomas's wharf, Morpeth, at twelve, sawn timber, &c., ex "Creole." Mr. W. GIBB, at the Fitz Roy Hotel[?] furniture and merchandise. Also, at Mr. M'Manus's Inn, merchandise, ...
Article : 180 wordsReceived in Sydney, coastwise, from 1st October to 19th November, from the following districts, compiled from the coasters inwards:- HUNTER—2098 bales wool, 1715 hides, 117 bundles ...
Article : 108 wordsWHEAT—per bushel, 14s to 16s.; market dull. FLOUR—(Fine)[?] per 200 lbs, 42s; (Seconds), ditto, 40s; market dull. BRAN—Per bushel. 1s 6d to 1s 9d; no demand. ...
Article : 791 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 4,885 wordsCollaroy (s.), 300 tons, Captain Mulhall, with general cargo. Paterson (s.), 326 tons. Captain Jardine, ditto. Thistle (s.), 127 tons, Captain Ellis, ditto. ...
Article : 338 wordsNov. 20.—Acacia, barque, 227 tons, Captain Baines, from Sydney. 20.—Notion, schooner, 110 tons, Captain Shannon, from Sydney. ...
Article : 243 wordsNov. 19.—Mary Grant, brig, 167 tons, Captain Cartwright, from Hobart Town the 13th instant[?] with 5 passengers. 19.—St. Helen, Dutch schooner[?] 189 tons, Captain ...
Article : 781 wordsAt West Maitland pound, from Maitland, November 20th—A red working bullock, very low in condition, both ears well marked with several slits, bow horns, brush off tail, branded on the ribs near side like D or ...
Article : 805 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 133 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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