The SPEAKER took the chair MESSAGE A message from the Governor General was received, recommending that in consideration of the responsible ...
Article : 929 wordsIn my report touching the shooting of a black boy, on the Armidale Creek, I then stated that the strongest evidence against the accused was that of a man named Dumar, alias Freehy. ...
Article : 935 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 140 wordsA RECENT writer in the Sydney Morning Herald, examining in a thoughtful and candid, and apparently a sincere spirit, the advent of a pure ...
Article : 1,230 wordsThe news brought by the Emma mail packet, a portion of which will be found in our supplement, supplies us with fuller particulars of the destruction of Sweaborg, and the battle of the ...
Article : 402 wordsTrade is improving. About one and a half ton tallow has been purchased at 34s per cwt. A small lot of new wheat has been purchased at 15[?] ...
Article : 3,189 wordsGENTLEMEN—In making a few strictures on Mr. Russell's address, I am not actuated by any private or personal feeling against himself, but simply that in our present position we may put ...
Article : 731 wordsWe have been favoured with the subjoined intelligence by Lord Panmure:- War Department, Sunday, Aug. 19. Lord Panmure has received the following ...
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