FRIGHTFUL AND FATAL ACCIDENT.—A very painful accident, which has since resulted fatally, occurred on the Waratah Local Company's line, on Saturday night last, to a man ...
Article : 1,783 wordsA meeting, of the Borough Council, was held evening in the Court-house. Present—The Mayor (E A. White, Esq.,) Aldermen Ludlow, Hannell, Sunners, Thorn, Gow, Brooks, Hall ...
Article : 2,007 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 35 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,007 wordsOn Saturday last a collection was made at the Waratah Tunnels, for a man named Royal, who was severely injured some weeks back while going home from work, and the ...
Article : 172 wordsWe de not bill ourselves responsible for opinions expressed by our Correspondents. To the Editor of the Newcastle Chronicle.SIR—It appears to me that our wonderful ...
Article : 654 wordsWEATHER.—We hare bad about a fortnight's fair weather, which has been appreciated by the farmers, and who have been busily engaged in housing their crops of corn, which ...
Article : 301 wordsAt Greta things are fast assuming important and progressive changes. In the business world, stores of capacious dimensions ere being erected. One of immense size is being ...
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The Newcastle Chronicle (NSW : 1866 - 1876), Tue 4 Aug 1874, Page 3
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