Mr. Gladstone has given notice in the House of Commons of a motion to the effect that any member of the House be allowed to refuse to accept a denial made on behalf of a Minister of ...
Article : 722 wordsSome further incidents of the wreck of the Quetta are brought to view in the telegrams we publish this morning. Both Miss Lacy and Mr. Corser contribute to the completeness of ...
Article : 353 wordsIN addition to the considerations noticed in yesterday's leader tending to ameliorate the awfulness of the disaster which has fallen on us in the wreck of the Quetta, ...
Article : 6,707 wordsFrancis Edward Saunders, who till recently was manager of the Australian Natives' Building Society, has surrendered himself to the police on a charge of misappropriating various ...
Article : 1,523 wordsThe following telegram was received yesterday by the Hon. Chas. Powers, Postmaster-General, in reply to one previously despatched by him to the Hon. John Douglas, Government ...
Article : 485 wordsMr. George Gordon Cameron, who is amongst the saved, is a cousin to Mr. W. Hutchison, of Hill Eud. He came out from Bristol (England) four years ago to his cousin in Brisbane. His ...
Article : 230 wordsBelow is Miss Lacy's account, as given to the Rev. A. A. M'Laren. "Shortly after 9 p.m. on Friday, 28th February, I was sitting in the saloon writing a ...
Article : 609 wordsIn the House of Commons to-day the Right Hon. W. H. Smith moved that the report of the Parnell Commission be accepted and entered on the journals of the House, and that the ...
Article : 280 wordsAs soon as his Excellency Sir H. W. Norman, who was at Southport, heard of the wreck he wrote to a number of persons in Brisbane whom he knew were bereaved by the loss of ...
Article : 429 wordsThe person wired as having been found late on Saturday night is a Cingalese. None have been found since. The Albatross is just leaving to continue the search for survivors. ...
Article : 860 wordsMr. Henry Corser, of Maryborough, has given Mr. M'Laren the following account:— "At about 9.20 I was on the saloon deck with the other passengers. Some were ...
Article : 655 wordsTho intercolonial cricket match between the Queensland Fifteen and a New South Wales Eleven was continued to-day on a wicket which was well soddened by the heavy rain which fell ...
Article : 460 wordsAt about a quarter to 10 o'clock last night, as the watchman who has charge of the block of buildings in Queen-street, which includes the O[?]en Chambers, No. 115, he heard a noise ...
Article : 329 wordsThe news of the wreck of the Quetta has caused an immense sensation here, and much sympathy is expressed with Mr. Archer, the Queensland Agent-General, in the loss of his ...
Article : 62 wordsThe following passengers travelled by exprese train to-day:— For Sydney: Messrs. O. Smith, W. Andrews, W. T. Richardson, A. Bessiey, and Miss Keeble. ...
Article : 133 wordsThe Albatross started for the islands again at noon to-day to bury the dead bodies that have been recovered. The Hon. Jno. Douglas has gone by her to hold an inquest, and the ...
Article : 228 words{No abstract available}
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wed 5 Mar 1890, Page 5
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