Patrol work in busy country like the Dardanelles is a nervy game, explains Sergeant C.B. Marsball, of D Company, 12th Battalion, in a letter to his mother, ...
Article : 11,398 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 296 wordsGood rains again set in this afternoon, and in the evening several heavy falls occured. It was still raining at 8 o'clock. The Broken Hill Hospital committee has. ...
Article : 130 wordsA wireless message from the Riverins states that the steamer is somewhere o[?] North Cape in thick weather, and delaye[?] by a difficulty in getting bearings. ...
Article : 137 wordsOn arrival of the steamer Bombala [?] Brisbane to-day from the nortn, Captain Hurford reported the disappearance of Mrs. Sterry, a saloon passenger, on the ...
Article : 117 wordsWhile the Nowra mail train was travels ling between St. Peters and Erskinevill[?] this morning a bullet strack the window of a first-class carriage, shattering it. There ...
Article : 60 wordsThe "Whitsuntide holidays have made a wel[?] break in the ever-increasing burden of busine[?] and probably everybody is better for the [?] obtained d[?]ing the holidays, the weather for ...
Article : 1,522 wordsPrivate James Cowie, who died from typhoid a[?] the front on June 23, wa 25 years of age. He was a son of Mrs. A. Cowie. of Bruswick-road, Dulwich, and ...
Article : 104 words{No abstract available}
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The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wed 7 Jul 1915, Page 13
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