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    The Minister of Public Instruction, accompanied by Messrs. Garland, Jeanneret, M'MLillan, and Seaver, Ms.L.A., arrived at 3 o'clock. Messrs. James Hall, J.P. ; T. A. Smith, P.M.; ...

    Article : 1,432 words

    OWING to the many exaggerated reports that have been current during the past few months respecting mining in the Peelwood district, we paid a visit of inspection to the locality on ...

    Article : 799 words

    'MARCIA, my dear—Lady Lisle, what are you doing ?' Lord Lisle seemed scarcely to know how to address his wife; it was only to know ...

    Article : 1,450 words

    MATHESON'S syndicate is arranging the formation of a company to work Blocks 15 and 16 of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company, Now South Wales. The capital of the company, New South ...

    Article : 58 words

    THE adjourned inquest on the body of the man James Connor, found dead on the Mummell Road on Monday last, was concluded on Saturday afternoon. ...

    Article : 717 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 454 words
  8. Extraction of Gold from Pyrites.

    A company has been registered to work the process patented by Messrs. Cosmo Newbery and Vautin for the extraction of gold from pyrites. The capital of the company is £100,000. ...

    Article : 38 words
  9. The International Copyright Convention.

    The International Copyright Convention has been ratified by the European Powers. ...

    Article : 18 words
  10. H.M.S. Rapid Re-commissioned for Australia.

    H.M.S. Rapid has been re-commissioned for service on the Australian station. ...

    Article : 19 words
  11. Reception of Sir Patrick Jennings at Cardiff.

    A public reception has been accorded to Sir Patrick Jennings by the people of Cardiff. Lord Thurlow occupied the chair. Sir Patrick Jennings delivered a lecture on Australia. ...

    Article : 38 words
  12. Indisposition of Mr. Gladstone.

    Mr. Gladstone is indisposed, having caught a severe cold. ...

    Article : 16 words
  13. Arrest of a Nihilist.

    Amassevich, a Russian Nihilist, who was suspected of having been concerned in the late attempt on the life of the czar of Russia, has been arrested in Vienna. He was in a dying ...

    Article : 44 words
  14. Disturbed State of Things in Zululand.

    Reports from Zululand state that the chief Dinizulu is showing signs of discontent. A disturbed state of things prevails, and in consequences a troop of Dragoons is being dispatched ...

    Article : 40 words
  15. The Mails.

    The mails ex Orient steamer Oroya, from Melbourne September 16, were delivered to-day, via Naples. ...

    Article : 20 words
  16. Russian Reprisals Against Germany.

    Rusasia is likely to remit 20 per cent. of the duties levied on English imports, and 10 per cent. on goods admitted from France, because England admits Russian corn free, while in ...

    Article : 78 words
  17. Lord Randolph Churchill at Newcastle-on-Tyne.

    Lord Randolph Churchill addressed a gathering numbering 4000 persons at Newcastle-on-Tyne last night, in answer to Mr. Gladstone's indictment of the Irish policy of the Government. ...

    Article : 57 words
  18. Sculling Championship.

    MELBOURNE, Sunday.—Mr. Joe Thompson telegraphed to Beach yesterday to the effect that he most distinctly objected to any postponement of the race with Hanlan for the sculling ...

    Article : 229 words

    One man who had been locked up since Saturday night for this offence was admonished and discharged; and another (on bail) was fined 5s or 24 hours to the lockup. ...

    Article : 657 words
  20. The Next Australian Eleven for England.

    A meeting of the secretaries of the loading cricket clubs will be hold on December 18 to arrange the fixtures for the next season. In view of the visit of an Australian Eleven, under ...

    Article : 84 words

    POLICE COURT.—At the Queanbeyan Police Court on Thursday Charles Higgens, charged with being drunk and disorderly, was fined 5s or seven days' imprisonment in Queanbeyan gaol. ...

    Article : 367 words
  22. The Unemployed in London.

    The leaders of the unemployed agitation declare that numerous bodies of the unemployed in the provinces are marching upon London, with the object of joining the agitation in the ...

    Article : 154 words
  23. Rifle Shooting.

    THE annual meeting of the N. S. W. Rifle Association was brought to a conclusion on Saturday. In the President's Match Sergeant Fowler won a prize of 2 with a score of 73. ...

    Article : 139 words
  24. Mount Costigan (Tuena).

    THE furnace (Joke's) ran about two and a half days during the week, producing the extraordinary quantity of ton tons of bullion, thereby amply testifying to the richness of the ore. ...

    Article : 173 words
  25. Mining.

    CAPTAIN's FLAT.—Another very favourable run has been completed at the Koh-i-noor furnace, the result for the last three weeks being an output of 13,000ozs. of silver, 26 tons of lead, and ...

    Article : 177 words
  26. The Suez Canal and the New Hebrides.

    M. Blowitz, the Paris correspondent of the Times, hints that, in preference to a permanent occupation of the Now Hebrides, France might occupy some islands near the group without ...

    Article : 182 words
  27. Reserve Cancelled.

    THE following reserve from lease has been cancelled:—Land district of Goulburn: County of Argyle, parishes of Goulburn, Towrang, Narrangarril, and Baw Baw, area about 2000 ...

    Article : 96 words

    THE sum of £150 for expenditure on the Bungendore-yass road to Lake George has been noted for consideration when the estimates for next year are being prepared. ...

    Article : 244 words
  29. A Curious Case.

    YOUNG, Friday.—A curious case was brought before the land Board on Thursday, having been referred back from the Minister on application. Mr. H. C. Croaker appeared to object to a ...

    Article : 313 words
  30. The Irish Question.

    Violent resistance was offered to some evictions which were carried out at Wexford yesterday. Three bailiffs were injured in a horrible manner by vitriol being thrown over them. ...

    Article : 34 words
  31. Roman Catholic Congress in London.

    A congress of the Roman Catholic Church is to be held in London in the summer. Delegates from the Australasian colonies will be invited to attend. Cardinal Manning expects that Cardinal ...

    Article : 48 words
  32. The Duke of Edinburgh.

    H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh is to be promoted to the rank of admiral. It is probable that he will be placed in command at Portsmouth. ...

    Article : 35 words
  33. County Cricket Match.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 275 words
  34. The Wheat Market.

    The wheat market shows a rising tendency. The rate for Australian is unchanged. American shipments are light. Russian wheat is abundant. Flour is firm, but the demand is not active. ...

    Article : 36 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 62 words
  36. The Supreme Court.

    THE final sittings of the Supreme Court for the present year commenced on Monday, and owing to the large amount of business to be transacted their Honors will not adjourn for the Christmas ...

    Article : 248 words
  37. Daniel Farrell's Insolvency.

    AN adjourned second meeting in the estate of Daniel Farrell was held in the Insolvency Court on Friday. One debt was proved. The insolvent was examined by Mr. Stephen, official ...

    Article : 391 words
  38. Flogging.

    A YOUNG man named Robert Richard Dodds, who had been convicted at the Water Police Court on the 18th instant of indecency, and was then sentenced to be whipped, received his ...

    Article : 136 words
  39. Reserve.

    THE following has been reserved from sale for camping and water supply:—Land district of Goulburn: No. 4341. County of Georgians, parish of Tyrl Tyrl, containing an area of about 32 acres. ...

    Article : 124 words



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