ON Monday morning, March 29, when the tide was rapidly rising, an alarm from the Admiralty pier caused everyone to run in that direction, where a grand but sad ...
Article : 935 wordsIt appears that the small pox is not yet over. At the meeting of the Hotham Council on Monday a letter was read from the office of the Central ...
Article : 1,580 wordsTHE following report, in regard to the alleged murder at Lord Howe's Island, has been forwarded by Mr. Cloete to the Hon. Colonial Secretary:— ...
Article : 1,183 wordsA RELIGIOUS sect called the Skopzen, whose peculiar views enjoin the most barbarous practices, has existed in Russia for many years past, but has hitherto escaped the ...
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The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 - 1947), Thu 17 Jun 1869, Page 2
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