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    Athens, Aug. 14.—The Italian press continues to rage against Greece and harps on the Hoggia incident. It alleges that more ...

    Article : 107 words

    London, Aug. 15.-It is authoritatively stated that the Somaliland situation is still serious. The Italians advanced along the ...

    Article : 127 words

    London, Aug. 14.—An Air Ministry communique issued to-day says:—"Enemy activity has been much less pronounced to-day". An attack was ...

    Article : 153 words

    London, Aug. 14.0—The Secretary of State for War, Mr. Anthony Eden, broadcasting this evening, recalled that in less than a month's ...

    Article : 489 words

    London, Aug. 14.—An Air Ministry communique issued at 7.15 p.m., Greenwich mean time, to-day says: "Last night, in addition to raids ...

    Article : 266 words

    London, Aug. 14.—Two of Italy's most vital aircraft works, the Caproni factory at Milan and the Fiat plant at Turin, were attacked ...

    Article : 770 words
  8. Axis Demands

    London, Aug. 14.—The "Daily Express" correspondent at Athens says that the German Minister, for the second time, visited the Greek ...

    Article : 107 words
  9. Difficult Territory

    London, Aug. 14.—The special correspondent of the "Times" at Nairobi writes:—"The war against the Italians in Abyssinia resembles ...

    Article : 148 words
  10. Series of Battles

    London, Aug. 14.—Apart from a terrific, though short lived, series of Battles off the south-eastern coast, German air activity against Britain ...

    Article : 692 words
  11. Britain's Tally

    London, Aug. 14.—Between June 18 and August 13-57 days 543 enemy aircraft have been brought down over Britain or over British ...

    Article : 175 words
  12. Greek Cruiser Sunk

    Athens, Aug. 15.—It is officially reported that an unknown submarine torpedoed and sank the i Greek cruiser Helle while it was ...

    Article : 106 words
  13. German Report

    Berlin, Aug. 15.—The High Command reports:—Despite bad weather, our air units yesterday effectively bombed harbour works at ...

    Article : 71 words
  14. Future of India

    London, Aug. 15.—Speaking for the first time in his new capacity as Secretary of State for India, Mr. Amery, in the House of Commons ...

    Article : 158 words
  15. Young Pilot's Story

    London, Aug. 14.—- 23 year old bomber pilot, who "went to Hamburg for a birthday and had a successful night," broadcast to-day an ...

    Article : 119 words
  16. Communications Severed

    Athens, Aug. 15.—It is officially reported that a few minutes after the attack on the Helle all telephonic communication with Rome ...

    Article : 28 words
  17. Search for Parachutists

    London, Aug. 14.—The Ministry for Home Security, in a communique, says:—Reports have been received of a number of ...

    Article : 97 words
  18. Military Conference

    Athens, Aug. 15.—The Prime Minister, General Metaxas, conferred with the chiefs of the army, navy and air force after the ...

    Article : 39 words
  19. Threats of Invasion

    London, Aug. 14.—The German radio tonight launched violent threats of invasion against Britain. Recent raids were described as a ...

    Article : 69 words

    London, Aug. 14.—The Admiralty reports that the destroyers Malcolm and Verity early this morning came in contact with six enemy armed ...

    Article : 95 words

    London, Aug. 14.—The "Times" correspondent in Tokio says that the cancellation of to night's meeting of the Prime Minister, Prince ...

    Article : 147 words
  22. More German Raids

    London, Aug. 15.—The Air Ministry reports:—Further German air attacks were made on the south west of England and Wales late last ...

    Article : 192 words
  23. Murder as a Fine Art

    Berlin, Aug. 14.—An Austrian, Eduard Grabher, aged 36, was sentenced to imprisonment for life on Monday allegedly for spreading ...

    Article : 82 words
  24. Bombardment of Britain

    London, Aug. 15.—The Hamburg radio, broadcasting in English, says that "the bombardment of Britain by German long range guns has ...

    Article : 31 words
  25. Motor Torpedo boats

    London, Aug. 13.—An Admiralty communique says: "In the early hours of this morning some four of our motor torpedo boats made ...

    Article : 284 words
  26. Hitler Meets Generals

    London, Aug. 14.—The announcer on the Madrid radio read a Berlin despatch which stated that Herr Hitler had met his generals at the ...

    Article : 43 words
  27. British Shipping Losses

    London, Aug. 13.—British, Allied and neutral shipping losses for the week ended August 4, it was announced to-day, totalled 75,124 tons, ...

    Article : 85 words
  28. Hitler's Boast

    London, Aug. 15.—Hitler after the fall of France boasted that Britain would be brought to her knees and peace declared by August 15. ...

    Article : 151 words
  29. British Leave Peiping

    Peiping, Aug. 14.—Two British officers and 30 men entrained for Tientsin to-day. They received the salute of a guard of honour of ...

    Article : 42 words
  30. Scoring German Losses

    London, Aug. 15.—German air losses are providing great scope for hand made news bill writing. Many relate the progress results to Test ...

    Article : 47 words
  31. Heavier Raids Likely

    London, Aug. 14.—The longer hours of darkness have enabled the R.A.F. to resume raids on Northern Italy. The raids will be heavier as ...

    Article : 94 words
  32. Food Riots in France

    London, Aug. 15.—The "Daily Express" correspondent at Cerbere states that serious food riots are reported from Lyons, Toulouse and ...

    Article : 64 words
  33. The British Blockade

    London, Aug. 14.—Mr. W. Leach (Lab.) tabled a motion in the House of Commons to-day, signed by 130 members of the House from all ...

    Article : 71 words
  34. Activity Increasing

    London, Aug. 15.—Terrific aerial activity is developing on the north east coast. Large numbers of Spitfires and Hurricanes were seen ...

    Article : 121 words
  35. Big Fire in France

    London. Aug. 15.—A bright light over France was periodically visible from a Channel port early to-day. A big fire apparently was burning ...

    Article : 60 words
  36. Italians Annoyed

    Rome, Aug. 14.—The official news agency leads the outburst of anger of the Italian press against the British raids, which it describes as ...

    Article : 89 words

    Berlin, Aug. 14.—Officials attacked Britain for refusing to allow food through the blockade to Europe. They said that Britain's attempt to ...

    Article : 82 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 68 words
  39. German Losses

    London, Aug. 15.—It is officially reported that 26 German planes were destroyed in yesterday's fighting namely, It bombers, three ...

    Article : 41 words
  40. Britain's Road Accidents

    London, Aug. 11.—During July 578 persons were killed on the roads. Of these 115 were black out fatalities, ...

    Article : 23 words



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